Lápiz de Acero Orange Award in the Architectural Category. Tropicario, Bogotá Botanical Garden, José Celestino Mutis.

Lápiz de Acero Green Award in the Sustainability Category. Tropicario, Bogotá Botanical Garden, José Celestino Mutis.

Winner of Regional Salons in the Housing Category, Andean Coffee Region. OT House Project by the SCA.

Winner of Regional Salons in the Urban Design Category, Cundiboyacense Region. Gran Colombiano Park Project by the SCA.

Honorable Mention in the general category of ICCA ACESCO 2023 Award. Tropicario, Bogotá Botanical Garden, José Celestino Mutis.

International Nomination, Tropicario, Bogotá Botanical Garden, José Celestino Mutis in the XII Barcelona Landscape Biennial.

International Nomination for the Gran Colombiano Park project in the XII Barcelona Landscape Biennial.