Centro acuático y deportivo Maiporé

Location: Bogotá, Cundinamarca. Colombia

Year: 2023

Area (m2): 1.981

Directors: Jaime Eduardo Cabal – Jorge Emilio Buitrago

Design team: Alejandro Perez – Steven Rios Marin – Samuel Acevedo M – Mariana Gil Flórez – Fabio Andres Palomino – Juan Pablo Muñoz Marín – Sara Sanchez

Client: Colsubsidio


The Maipore Aquatic Center is conceived as a dynamic integration between the sports program and the local environment. By considering the neighborhood, the surrounding hills, and the natural landscape, the design aims to establish a seamless connection with the urban and natural context.

To achieve this, a canopy has been developed that redefines the traditional notion of a building. This structure dematerializes the solidity of the architectural volume, transforming it into a filtering element that frames and enhances views of the surroundings. This approach allows for a harmonious integration of the aquatic center with the existing park, creating an environment where architecture and nature mutually complement each other.

The insertion of the aquatic center into the landscape is achieved through a modular, rational, and adaptable structure. This modular arrangement not only visually integrates with the surroundings but also allows for flexibility in space usage, facilitating adaptation to the changing needs of users and the environment over time.

